Stakeholder Engagement

Stakeholder Engagement

The Canada Energy Regulator (CER) is committed to ensuring that our work, and the decisions we make are informed by diverse input from people across Canada. We encourage those who may be impacted by our decisions and work to get involved, whether it’s for a regulatory consultation or a pipeline hearing. We strive to do more than just listen to concerns and sharing information. We also strive to be responsive and transparent about how we act on your feedback. If we are unable to address your concerns, we will explain why.


What you need to know

Engagement principles

Read about the principles we follow when engaging with the public.

Stakeholders we engage

Learn about the people and organizations we engage.

Regulatory consultation

View current and past CER consultations and the regulatory plan.

Land Matters Group

Learn about this group which provides advice to the CER on the protection of landowner rights and interests.

Regulated industry engagement

Regulated companies and Industry associations that support regulated companies. View for past meeting minutes.


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Engage with the CER


We want to have conversations with you about energy and regulated activities.

The CER, Energy Projects,
and You

Cover sample of The CER, Energy Projects, and You brochure

Download print (PDF) version or view online (HTML) version

Participating in a CER Hearing

Cover sample of the Participating in a CER Hearing brochure

Download print (PDF) version or view online (HTML) version

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