Consultation and Engagement

Participation & Lands

The CER regulates Canada’s federal energy infrastructure over its complete lifecycle. The CER Act is changing the way we assess projects, changes include early planning and engagement during project reviews, Indigenous engagement and the incorporation of Indigenous knowledge and rights, as well as increased public participation opportunities.

Learn more about CER programs that relate to Consultation and Engagement.

Services and Information

Stakeholder engagement

Learn about how we engage regional and community stakeholders to build awareness, confidence and responsiveness in our regulatory processes.

Indigenous engagement

Find out more about our commitment to reconciliation, committees we have introduced to incorporate Indigenous perspectives into our everyday decisions, and more.

Crown consultation

Learn about the CER’s duty to consult with Indigenous peoples potentially affected by a specific project.

Land matters guide

Learn about land matters over the lifecycle of an energy project.

Alternative dispute resolution (ADR)

Any time during the life of a project, if you are unable to resolve concerns directly with the company, you may request an ADR specialist to work with you and the company to find solutions.

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Engage with the CER


We want to have conversations with you about energy and regulated activities.

The CER, Energy Projects, and
Indigenous Peoples

Cover sample of The CER, Energy Projects, and Indigenous Peoples brochure

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Reconciliation with
Indigenous Peoples 

Yellow background image with navy blue circle with Indigenous symbols inside.

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