Read the discussion paper on our proposed Rapid Review Process for low- and negligible-risk projects

July 9, 2024

We are working to improve the efficiency and predictability of project reviews without compromising safety, environmental protection or the rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples.

Our discussion paper outlines a new Rapid Review Process for certain negligible-risk and low-risk activities. This process aims to cut our review time from about 4 and a half months to 40 days or less. It will apply to simple projects such as replacing a meter within a company’s meter station or work within company-owned and fenced land.

We are proposing detailed criteria to identify the level of risk involved and ensure consistent and fair decisions. These criteria look at things like:

  • Adverse impacts on third parties
  • Engagement requirements
  • Land ownership and rights
  • Environmental and socio-economic effects
  • Rights and interests of Indigenous Peoples
  • Engineering compliance
  • Financial and economic impacts

Read our discussion paper to learn more.

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